Managed Services

Shifting the Paradigm: From IT Cost to Strategic Investment

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, IT has become increasingly important, but some CEOs and business owners still see it as a cost centre, a necessary expense that does not contribute to the bottom line. In this article, we outline how this outdated perception can lead to dire circumstances at worst, and how in an […]

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5 Reasons to Audit Technology

5 Reasons you should have your technology operations audited  Audits can make the most seasoned professional hide in the corner.  At SMIKTECK we prefer to look at audits in a much more positive light. We see audits as a way to continuously improve your technology and ensure it’s aligned with your business operations.  Here are the 5 most important reasons to have your technology

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Safeguarding Your Small Business from Theft

All businesses are vulnerable to theft, but did you know that small businesses may be more susceptible to data theft than their larger competitors? Small businesses are less likely to have the right security controls in place to keep their information safe. You only need to make a few small adjustments to safeguard your business information from

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